About This Course

Build Real Web Application

You will create and ship fully-functional, well-documented and tested application you can directly use in your portfolio.

Get Personal Mentor Help

Weekly coaching session with me to review your results, help you out and answer your questions.

Private Slack Group

Share your progress, learn from others, show your code.

Course Structure

1 Week
Build a structure of your web app
using HTML.
2 Week
Add presentation layer to your app
using CSS and CSS-Frameworks.
3 Week
Add interactive features to your app
by applying JavaScript and jQuery.
4 Week
Enance the App with advanced features
host it online and publish it on GitHub.

The main goal of the course is to make you to a front-end developer. And you'll become one by builing real-world web application. By the end of the month you'll be able to put this application in your portfolio, publish it on GitHub and even host in online.

This one month course consists of 4 weeks topics. Each week we'll be improving the web app you are builing (iterating on it, as a programmer would say). I structured this course so that you don't have to wait the whole month to see or show your progress. By the end of each week - you will have even better version of the application you are builing.

At the beginning of each week you will receive an email with the clear instructions on what you will be coding, how much time it's going to take and resources needed to complete this task.

Middle of the week is our mentoring session - where I take a look at your progress, answer your questions and overall give you advice - on how most efficiently complete the weekly goal.

By the end of the week you will showcase your app to me and other class mates.



Had the first freelance gig as Perl developer at the age of 17. Stared off as Computer Science bachelor in Moscow, switched to languages. Received several scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. Studien in Berlin, Vienna, Rostock and Münster.
Received the PhD in Germany - while having freelance + side projects with automated revenue streams running in parallel.

Dr. Andrey Esaulov Expert in hacking the rules and breaking status quo.

Head of Mobile and Prototyping in the big German IT Company

Founder and CTO of several startups

Creator of Top-Selling E-Commerce Solutions

Speaker and Coach

1 Month Front-End Developer Curated Course

To start the course, you need to enroll into the course by submitting this form.

After that you will receive an email from us - and you need to confirm it! Otherwise we won't be able to send you course instructions.

Enrollment is completely free - begin your programming career today!