Become a Highest Paid Programmer

Exhaustive From Beginner to Professional Practical Course
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About This Course

We call this Exhaustive Practical Course not because we think we're great, but because we bring years of experience on the table - and we are going to hack the system with you - hands on, side by side, step by step.

Hacking the System

What does it mean hacking the system?
Instead of following the rules - we're going to break them.

Have you ever heard of 10,000 Hours Rule? Term coined by Malcolm Gladwel that states that in order to achieve mastery in a field it takes ten thousand hours of practice. Well, I'm going to show you how to break that rule! We're going to use the 80/20 principle invented by Vilfredo Pareto and apply in to your professional development. I'm going to show you shortcuts, hacks and tricks - that I've learned and applied to my now career as software engineer - so you can use 20% of effort and reach 80% of results.

Most Courses Online

Either cover very narrow topics of how to start developing in Language X, or use technology Y - flooding with 60+ hours details - that are absolutely inapplicable in your day-to-day development career.

Or too broadly describing prospects of the career-change, resume-creation, job market details - but fail to deliver on the specifics of the most innovative and exiting profession of the century: Software Developer.

Wall-Street Techniques for Developers

This course brings two worlds together: Geeks and Business. So that you - the future or existing geeks - can profit from exact same job hunting, interview and salary negotiations techniques used by best Brokers on the Wall Street.

Want to start off your Development Career - but know nothing about programming?
Or are you a Software Engineer and unhappy with your current job?

Ready to get your next $20.000 raise? Trust me - if I can do it - so can you.

They Don't Teach You That in School

Here is the problem: the brightest software engineers I have met in my life were often the worst planners, negotiators and business model visionaries. Their code was brilliant. But they were never taught how to job hunt, build their personal brand or create a profitable side-business with automated revenue stream. They were building systems that were generating millions for their bosses - but had to think twice before buying the next generation drone?

Do you find it fair? Neither do I - that is why I created this course.

What Will I Learn?

My goal is to walk you through the puzzle of professional career growth as software engineer. I'm not going to assume you have any programming skills whatsoever - and I'm going to show you how to get them as quickly as possible. Once again - we will concentrate on the 20% effort that will bring us 80% of the results. No time wasted! Not on my watch!

We're going to skip all the boring theory and we're not going to cover common sense topics. Instead we're going to create real products - that you can start selling and showing to your future employers - from the day one!

This course is designed following the structure of the elite college curriculum, I've used my experience working at the University - but focused the topics on the actionable steps. Remember - we're hacking the system - not follow the rules. That is why every topic aims to show you how to cut the corners - and reach your goal first.


Curriculum For This Course

Class #1

Hacking The System

1 Introduction to the 80/20 Principle - How to apply Pareto's Law to hyperdrive your Learning and Career Growth?

2 Applications in Language Learning, Business Planing and Marketing - How to bend the Rules and get 95% Results with 2.5% Effort?

3 Power of Outcome Focus - What can you learn from top athletes to become top Programmer using the brand new language in a month?

Class #2

Choosing the Right Technology Stack to Master

1 Using Wall-Street Investment Techniques to supercharge your learning curve.

2 Products vs. Process - Changing a mindset from learning to building.

3 How to make ROI (Return of Investment) your learning strategy

4 Job Market Analysis - How to measure demand, find patters and hack the market?

5 Trend Scouting - Side by Side walkthrough the next big thing in Technology: Bullet-Proof vs. Cutting Edge, Uprising vs. Falling, App vs. Web, Backend vs. Frontend vs. Fullstack.

6 Best Books, Courses, Tutorials - Let's find the BEST one for you together.

7 Fail Fast - How do you turn defeat into your super power?

8 Collective Intelligence - How to get free education from top Programmers in the world?

9 Going to the Source - How to make the creator of the technology / language / framework you're learning your mentor?

10 Don't take my word for it - Interviews with the successful students.

11Comfort Challenge.

Class #3

From Student to Expert in 1 Week

1 What makes up an Expert? - Three Steps into professional world.

2 Pimping Up your GitHub - How to make open source, pull request and your own code work for your professional reputation?

3 It's a Hobby until you get paid - Let's apply for your First Freelance Job! Side by side walk-through.

4 From Freelancer to Expert - How to get best projects, hour rates, references, reviews and show off your work?

5 Comfort Challenge.

Class #4

Creating Your Own Products

1 They don't teach you that in school - Why it's important to create your own profitable products before you start doing it for someone else?

2 MVP Principles - What is Minimum Viable Product and how to build it?

3 Business Model Generation - Let's create your first profitable product together! Side by side walk-though Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Supply Channels, Revenue Streams and Cost Structure.

4 Automating Revenue Flow - How to turn your product into an automated revenue generating stream?

5 Customer Support - How to not kill your business or yourself - still keeping customers satisfied?

6 Comfort Challenge.

Class #5

Hacking Job Hunt Process

1 Machine Learning Algorithms, Resumes Scrapers and Applicant Tracking Systems - How to hack the hunting machines and get the best job offers today?

2 SEO Tricks for your Resume - Let's write your bulletproof resume full of selling keywords - Side by Side.

3 Building Your Personal Brand - How to clever use Hackathons, Meet-Ups, Conferences and Co-Working Spaces?

4 Remote vs. On-Sight - How to stay flexible and define the terms?

5 Comfort Challenge.

Class #6

Hacking The Interview

1 Know the Game - What is the basic structure of every Interview?

2 Key Questions - What will every HR person will ask you?

3 Key Answers - What are they expecting you to answer?

4 Breaking Expectations - How to hack the game and win the interview - staying true to your core values?

5 Comfort Challenge.

6 Test Case 101 - What do they want to see in your code?

7 Think Big - Why it's not about the code - and how to deliver more?

8 Unfair Advantage - Let's use the tricks that will make your test case solution and approach to development stand out. Side by Side.

9 Comfort Challenge.

Class #7

Your First Job

1 Keeping the Focus - How to stay focused on your professional and personal growth?

2 Contract Conditions - What are the things to watch for, what parts of your contract are negotiable?

3 Side Projects - Keeping additional automated revenue streams.

4 Hackathons, Meet-Ups, Personal Project Days, Conferences - How to keep building your brand - while keeping your day job.

5 Salary Negotiation Strategies - When, how and why to ask for a +$20,000?

6 Move Forward - When it's time to become even bigger?

7 Comfort Challenge.

Class #8

Working Abroad

1 See the World - What are the advantages of working abroad?

2 DE, UK, US - What country should an ambitious Software Developer choose?

3 Hacking the local Job Market - Hands-on experience in Germany.

4 Visa, Contract, Relocation - Let's make you a complete step-by-step relocation roadmap! Side by Side.

5 Don't take my word for it: Success Story Interviews.

6 Comfort Challenge.

Class #9

Starting Your Own Company

1 Taking you side project to the next level - What are the qualities of the best entrepreneurs?

2 Legal - How to protect you, your company and your family - Taxes, Office, Accounting.

3 Personal Assistans - How to remove yourself from the equation and with your business take off?

4 Venture Capital - How and when to Raise Money?

5 Scaling Up - How to become even bigger?

6 Comfort Challenge.

About the Author

Had the first freelance gig as Perl developer at the age of 17. Stared off as Computer Science bachelor in Moscow, switched to languages. Received several scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. Studien in Berlin, Vienna, Rostock and Münster.
Received the PhD in Germany - while having freelance + side projects with automated revenue streams running in parallel.

Dr. Andrey Esaulov Expert in hacking the rules and breaking status quo.

Head of Mobile and Prototyping in the big German IT Company

Founder and CTO of several startups

Creator of Top-Selling E-Commerce Solutions

Speaker and Coach

Become a Highest Paid Programmer

Exhaustive From Beginner to Professional Practical Course
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